Currently, Vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic, as its prevalence is increasing worldwide. This situation, which can be considered an illness of civilization, has worsened in recent years.
For many years, the effects of vitamin D deficiency were only related to changes the bone quality. In recent years, it has been noted that vitamin D interacts with other bodily functions and its deficiency may lead to several conditions besides osteoporosis. Among them, we can cite the association between vitamin D deficiency and diabetes, infections, heart disease, autoimmune diseases and even obesity.
As a result of new insights regarding the action of vitamin D, its dosage is, at the moment, one of the most requested tests in the USA and in some European countries. Methodologies and reference numbers are discussed extensively worldwide. Concerning the reference numbers, there is doubt as to the normal amount for vitamin D, what the limits to define disability are and, especially, what is the level of vitamin D that enables an appropriate role for these new related clinical conditions.
Regarding laboratory methods, there is a discussion about which method is the golden standard for its dosages. DEQAS- D External Quality Assessment Scheme is an international program of quality control of vitamin D dosing in which over 700 laboratories in different countries participate. AQUALAB takes part in this program. In AQUALAB, the methodology used is chemiluminescence (Diasorin®). This method is, according to DEQAS, reliable and it is used in numerous laboratories.