AQUALAB – Clinical and Public Health Laboratory Lda., becomes a reality – a limited commercial company, created by public deed granted on October 20th, 1992.

Convention between the Ministry of Health and the ARS, by order of February 11th, 1993.

1996 – 1999
1996 — AQUALAB reaches and exceeds all expectations and goals in its first years of activity, and doubles the number of employees.
1999 — AQUALAB extends its area of influence to other populations and counties, in addition to its headquarters in the city of Albufeira, through sample collection points, and the decision is made to build a new space for the Central Laboratory.

The move to the new Central Laboratory is made; the Lab gains certification by the NP EN ISO 9001:2000 and Standards for Clinical Laboratory, from the Portuguese Board of Pharmacists.

Anticipating the demands of the market and in order to increase the quality of its results, AQUALAB initiates the accreditation process of the Water and Food Department.
In order to reduce the response time for the client, the Lab acquires two new top-notch pieces of equipment – Aquakem Auto-Analyzer (for the determination of “nutrients”) and ICP (for the analysis of metals).

AQUALAB – Department of Water and Food Analysis obtains accreditation as a Testing Laboratory, according to norm NP EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, BEING GRANTED the Accreditation Certificate Nr. L0417.

Understanding the need for rapid and efficient intervention in the treatment and prevention of Legionella, in particular in the hotel business, AQUALAB acquires a real-time PCR device for the research and Quantification of Legionella Pneumophilla, starting the process of accreditation.

AQUALAB Group comes to fruition, after the acquisition of the Dr. João Josino da Costa Laboratory, in Portimão. Now 18 years old, “AQUALAB is a respectable name in the market”, providing services to various entities, from official and state bodies to large hotel chains, without forgetting the individual client.
The accreditation process for the research and Quantification of Legionella Pneumophilla is successfully completed, making AQUALAB the only laboratory in Portugal with accreditation in this type of equipment.

To meet the requirements of the Food Quality Control Systems (HACCP), AQUALAB expanded the scope of sampling accreditation, based on the ISO: 2007, ISO 18593 7218:2004 and NP 1828:1982 standards. The scope of its accreditation now includes (in addition to water methods) food, hygiene and health control of handlers, as well as surfaces and sanitizing utensils.

AQUALAB acquired part of the capital of the MODUSLAB Laboratory, in Faro, according to its strategic plan of growth and development, aiming to consolidate the AQUALAB Group brand.
What started as a laboratory in Albufeira, is now a group of labs that comprises three units in an integrated network of health care in clinical analysis in the Algarve.

Acquisition of the JMPereira laboratory, in Portimão.

AQUALAB Portimão is born, resulting from the merger of the JMPereira and Dr. Jose da Costa laboratories.

Full acquisition of Moduslab.

AQUALAB rebranding.